Some facts:-
At 15000 feet (=~4.5Km)
Temperature = -14 'C
Atmospheric Pressure is about 50% of pressure at the surface.
Birds fly at 500 feet.
Eagles fly at 10000 feet (Max)
Manned hot air balloons fly at 1000-3000feet
Aircraft's fly at 30000 feet.
Oxygen is needed for all crew and passengers for any flight that reaches and exceeds an altitude of 12,500 feet.
Now the story..
If you are anything like me you have no idea just how high is 15K feet, and what you can see and what you can not see from up there.
Well it is much higher than some of the clouds, thus in the video you can clearly see a shot with us caught in between the clouds and the sun. From up there we could see the santa cruz beach on the one side and the Carmel valley on the other...
As soon as we jumped we were in a free fall for about 1.5 minutes, which is where most of the video is shot. Nothing i can say here compares to the hollowness you first feel in your stomach when you are off the plane, for the first 10 seconds i was scared like hell and all i could do was scream and clutch the safety straps around me. This is the closest un-winged mortals can get to anti gravity and flying i guess.
After the first shock we held hands with the cameraman and made several interesting formations.
Luckily for me my cameraman and instructor (the guy tied to me) were best pals, had done many jumps together and had perfect co-ordination. Thats why we were able to make all those mid air formations and the camera captured my expressions so closely.
It is an experience like no other, i would say everyone must try it once it is just too much..
The link to the video is here
thank god for friendship haan[:P]
you mean like between the cameraman and the guy tied to me ?
can`t imagine the ecstatic feeling while doing this.....must have been great!!! nice
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