Monday, November 26, 2007

Which Country!

Who says imitation isn't the best form of flattery..
From now on i am gonna write 2-3 liners blogs daily on anything that catches my fancy..

So back to the topic.. Picture this

An overworked security official (over as in doing everything from receiving mails/guest/arranging cabs.. in short everything except security) taking calls from 3-4 employees and jotting down their transport requirements (Yipee we get free cabs) and trying to optimize the cabs at his disposal.
Do i need to say which country i am talking about

Contrast this with..

A Security chap with a Suite and Tie uniform which would put SRK to shame, with a farely British Accent mumbling, "Please call up the Khab(Cab) service and ask for a pikhup".
After opening the yellow pages and calling all friends i finally manage to get a cab. But wait i can see two cabs waiting for me. In panic i relive the incidents of the night trying to make sure i haven't called cabs from two different companies. However one chap walks up briskly to me and escorts me to the cab...

After i reach the hotel i notice the same second cab screeching to a halt right next to me and another desi bhai flaunting his Google jacket walking into the hotel...

Now tell me which country is using its resources most optimally !!??


unfuel the planet said...

nice way to put it

Meira said...

"Who says imitation isn't the best form of flattery.."
Debatable, Abhishek.

abhi said...

aha then whence came ur first travel blog!

Meira said...

Drafts :P